August 13, 2012


After almost a month, here i present u the 4th photoshoot i did just yesterday, i've been selecting and editing all day long and im so tired so i wont be writing a whole lot this time, lol!

This time, to change it a little bit, i wanted to try black & white, gray scales, silhouettes, strong and deep faces, etc. Just some "raw" emotions. So I had this friend of mine for a long time ago, called Patricia who I've always liked her face and body since I met her. She's now introducing herself into fashion by appearing in some of the local runaway shows, but i always wanted to push her to her limits and push her to make these faces she never did before!

And of course as hopefully u can tell, the other one is Maria, from the 1st shoot! She's amazing showing off faces so i really wanted her in this shoot as well!

Hope u enjoy it as much as I did, cause just to be true, this is by far my favorite shoot, just because this time i had more the opportunity to direct the girls and break them justtt the way i wanted, lol!


Photographer: Ian Brito Delgado
Models: MarĂ­a Leyva
             Patricia Ramos

Make up & Hair: Ian Brito Delgado